
Citizen Chris

Last week Chris became a naturalized American citizen. We went into Phoenix to the district course house for the ceremony. The court house is absolutely huge and felt a bit like an airport:

The actual ceremony wasn’t very long, but the whole process actually lasted several hours. They started out by dealing with some of the practicalities of changing citizenship and we were spoken to by someone from the passport office and the social security office, along with someone from voter registration. Due to our upcoming change of address, Chris was actually only able to deal with social security, but we know what to do for the rest when the time comes.

It had more videos than expected in that I was not expecting any and there were actually four.

More than all that, they asked for a few of the new citizens to talk about their experiences moving to the US and Chris actually gave an impromptu speech. The video is below. It’s longer than usual due to the nature of the event and Chris’s speech:

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