
Lego Baby

This is a short post about one the cuter things to come out of LEGO recently. This year for the first time, LEGO has released a baby mini figure: 
2016-08-28 12.15.28-1This baby was not the very first, but it was certainly harder to get than the previous one, who came out earlier this year in a set. It was quite a cool set that also included the first ever minfigure in a wheel chair in addition to this very cute LEGO baby:
2016-09-01 14.43.49

The second LEGO baby was in one of the ‘random packs’. I get the point of the random packs, but annoyingly, sellers who are good at feeling them and figuring out which is which with their hands often buy up those in the biggest demand. It took us two goes to get the baby, but in the end, we did get one. It will become part of Chris’s growing LEGO city along with the first one. 🙂 We will make a video about the city at some point, but it has turned into a big, ongoing project, so we will wait until it is more in the shape Chris wants.

Here is a short video of the LEGO baby:

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