A difference from anywhere else either of us have lived is that the majority of the state of Arizona does not observe daylight saving time (summer time in the UK). The rest of the US will be changing this weekend onĀ March 13th, while the UK will wait a few weeks and change on March 27th.
All of Arizona except for the Navajo reservation in the far north east of the state just maintain the same time year round. Arizona has dabbled in summer time, but it was hugely unpopular and done away with as it meant during the hottest months of the year, the sun would go down at 9 instead of 8 PM, making it feel hotter longer. Arizona is one of two US states that don’t do it, the other beingĀ Hawaii. I assume the heat of Hawaii and proximity to the equator make it even more pointless there. Apparently it does cause some confusion with other states who do change in terms of business, but then, we get to avoid things like extra accidents caused by lost sleep. On balance, I think that may be worth avoiding even though it means having to explain to our slightly jet lagged neighbors that the local schedule is now the same as California’s, although it isn’t Pacific time. It’s still Mountain time, just unaltered.
Here’s a short video:
It is quite weird that most of the US and the UK do daylight saving time, as most of the world actually does not, which I had no realized until researching for this post. Do you like the change of time? Do you think it’s useful where you live?
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