So we are both horribly sick this Thanksgiving (and have been since last Friday in my case and two days ago in Chris’s case), so that means we don’t have a new video or even a future video about Thanksgiving…
Regional Roundup 2: The Midwest
The Midwest includes everything between North Dakota and Michigan and then down to Kansas and across to Ohio. Pluses for the Midwest include the relatively low cost of living. The Northern Midwest in particular is generally very well run in terms…
Remember, Remember the Fifth of November
In England, we still celebrate the foiling of the Gunpowder Plot in 1605 by burning the Guy on a bonfire. Along with this, fireworks are let off and sparklers are held. The celebrations are pretty tame with the notable exception of the Lewes Bonfire:…
Product Roundup
We bought many pieces of equipment before and during the journey such as a selfie stick, a car, some phones and a kettle. Here is a roundup of what did and didn’t work:
Day 147: The ‘Last’ Day
We headed across a small bit of Wisconsin to Michigan. We were absolutely exhausted and we ended up going the wrong way and having to reenter Minnesota and then go back into Wisconsin. There was very little in the far north…
Minor Differences Extra: Lynx and Minstrels
We are now on the road and it’s a bit manic. In the meantime, here’s a snippet from the Minor Differences: Around the Home post that we didn’t include: Tomorrow, we’ll have a bigger update on the start of our…
A Dodge-y Cup of Tea?
Like most adults, Chris and I are fans of caffeine. I am mainly a tea drinker, while he is more into americanos. In order to get proper (black) tea, you need to be able to boil water, not just make…
Dodge-y Power
A video showing how we’ve added a 12v power outlet to the trunk: After this was shot, we left the RoadPro 12v Cooler Bag (full of cider) and ran it overnight. We managed to not run the battery down meaning…
Minor Differences: Around the Home
Everything is slightly different. Had we moved to China, I think I would have been more prepared for everything to be different. But here in the U.S, the differences are unpredictable which adds small surprises to my daily life. Previously,…
Dodge-y Cooking
In preparation for being on the road for a long time, we have bought a series of car appliances. I believe most of them are intended for truckers. None were especially expensive, so we were skeptical of whether or not…